Renju Euroleague is coming!

A most popular on-line team competition Euroleague is coming in its renju version to start in just 10 days. The team registration ends by 15th December.

Renju Euroleague is a team competition open to players and teams from all over the world (so not only the Europe, as the traditional name would suggest). You can join with a team from 4 to 7 members. The tournament system includes 7 rounds Swiss. It is a long-term competition – every round lasts 3 weeks during which the two paired teams arrange their match date – so you don’t need to be afraid of a time trouble too much:) In each match, 4vs4 is played, with 4 rounds where 2 players meet each other and play 2 games. The time limit is 10m + 3s, Soosorv-8 rule.

There have been a great initial season last year already, 12 teams from 9 countries participated, with such renown players as Ants Soosyrv, Aivo Oll, Martin Hobemagi, Dmitry Epifanov, Stefan Karlsson or Mikhail Kozhin. The results were narrow accordingly, but at the end a surprising winner emerged in a Polish squad Dark Wizards, featuring Michał Żukowski, Piotr Małowiejski, Piotr Bieniek, Paweł Nowak, Michał Zajk and Łukasz Majksner. Let’s see if they can repeat the shock one more time!

If you‘d like to join, easily register yourself and your team at the league’s webpage . Renju Euroleague is played at the popular international gomoku&renju server