Remembering Tunnet Taimla: A Tribute to a Renju Legend

Image of Tunnet holding an award
Tunnet holding 1st place award for 10th Renju Team World Championship, 2014

Tunnet Taimla, an esteemed Estonian renju player, the creator of RenjuNews, and the Vice President of the Renju International Federation (RIF), passed away on February 9, 2023.

Born June 21, 1988, in Viljandi, Tunnet left an unforgettable mark on the renju community.

Tunnet achieved significant success in renju, being a two-time individual World Champion (2003, 2013) and a key player in the Estonian team that clinched the World Championship title three times (2008, 2014, 2016). His contributions extended beyond the gameboard; he played a crucial role in fostering the renju community through his work with RenjuNews and the RIF.

Tunnet Taimla’s influence in the renju world is profound, as seen in his competitive triumphs and endeavors to promote and grow the game. His friends and peers have compiled a book to celebrate his life and contributions to renju, ensuring his legacy will continue inspiring future players.

Download the Book of Tunnet