First Super Taraguchi-10 Tournament on Renju Caffe

First Super Taraguchi-10 Tournament on Renju Caffe

Super Taraguchi-10 rule is an expansion of the regular Taraguchi-10 rule. Here is the description of the rule:
• The black player puts the first move in the centre of the board.
• The other player may swap.
• The white player will put the 2nd move within 5×5 central square.
• The other player may swap.
• The black player will put the 3rd move within 7×7 central square.
• The other player may swap.
• The white player will put the 4th move within 9×9 central square.
• The choice 1 (after the 4th move):
o The other player may swap.
o The black player will put the 5th move within 9×9 central square.
o The other player may swap.
o The white player plays the 6th move anywhere on board.
• The choice 2 (after the 4th move):
o The black player puts 10 fifth moves anywhere on board (symmetrical moves are not allowed).
o The white player chooses one of the offered 5th moves and plays the 6th move anywhere on board.
o The game continues with the renju rule.
The biggest difference between ST-10 and T-10 rule is that ST-10 allows for new openings to be played.
Here is a short description of the players taking part:
Hao Tianyi (wind23): organiser, Renju Caffe webmaster, 2 time World Champion in Correspondence renju
Qian Yunbing (hanli): 2nd place in last Correspondence World Championship
Li Xueyang (sunny1062059585): one of the strongest correspondence players, has a rating of 2434 on renjuoffline
Yao Bocheng (captainybc): also a very strong correspondence player, currently 2nd in Renju Caffe rankings
Aivo Oll (aivo): organiser, 3rd place in last Correspondence World Championship
The tournament itself will be quadruple round robin between these 5 players. Hopefully we will see many interesting games!