This was first several days online tournament played in (Taraguchi -10 as only renju rule in was used) . Time control was 15min+ 5sec, 7 rounds in Swiss was played. Tournament results – .
Some very strong players took part – for example Nakayama-san, Alexey Mikhailov and ctarenju2020, but they clearly tried „to not win the tournament“ Nakayama-san coundnt join before 4th round, ctarenju2020 joined from 2nd, but didnt play carefully. Closest of them to win the tournament was Alexey, but in decisive moments he made gentlemen draw with Daria ( and got (gentlemen?) loss to Kirill Stoianov ( from winning position (15th move e9 instead of h12 is easy win of course). So, finally young players Daria Yusupmurzina and Peter Burtsev were 2 best in tournament (unfortunately not playing with each other)
Nice surprise was good perfomance from Turkish player Ibrahim Kaan Arslan, who received 6th place.
Still, main idea was to test several days competition. Earlier longest tournaments in have been just several hours with maximum breaks between rounds 2 minutes (after last game of round was finished). Pairing have been just when round starts. But thinking about Youth World Cup (and other similar tournaments in future) needed to change system of pairing and time of rounds.
One more such tournament – July Cup – will be played on second half of July (exact time will be published soon)
Finally 2 more photos of participants

Greetings, friends!
No, in the game against Kirill, I played to win, but I couldn’t find the right way to win. It should be noted that by the 15th move I already had a running out of time.
To be fair, I must say that in the game of the 4th round against Andrey Prokopiev, I won after going through a clean loss: